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2019 Native American Trade Feast Flyer

See My Art at the 2019 Native American Trade Feast

You’re invited to the 2019 Native American Trade Feast September 14th!

For the 3rd Year I’ll have a booth at the Native American Trade Feast at Miwok Park in Novato, California. The event is sponsored by the Museum of the American Indian. I just concluded a four month solo exhibit there that ran from March to June. I will have some of the art pieces that were on display during the exhibit  with me at the Trade Feast as well as Native American bead work, note cards with my original art images, Native Pride caps, Native Veteran caps, T-Shirts with my original mask images and lots more.

Miwok Park is located at 2200 Novato Blvd. in  Novato, 94947. Parking will be available off site at the Lutheran Church and a free shuttle will be available. The event is FREE to the public and is family friendly so mark your calendar for September 14th, Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm.

There will be performances by Native American Drum,  Red Voice, the all women’s drum, Unole, Sonoma County Pomo Dancers, T-Hawk, Kalpulli Anahuak Aztec DancersHula Manu O’o Dancers and Hoop Dancer Eddie Madril. There will be Miwok songs and stories, basketry demonstrations, regalia making, shell bead drilling, children activities, information booths, arts/crafts booths, book sales and tours of the Museum. Edibles will be provided by Mishewal Wappo Indian Tacos, Tommy’s Salsa and Kona Ice.

Red Voice Drum

Red Voice Drum will again perform at the 2019 Native American Trade Feast at Miwok Park in Novato sponsored by Museum of the American Indian.