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Southwestern Gourd Masks, ©Becky Olvera Schultz

Gourd Masks

Recently Completed Southwestern Style Gourd Masks

Most of my art masks are made of clay and in the Native American/Warrior/Plains Indian style but from time to time I love working with gourds. Gourds are lightweight and have a wood like feel to them. Gourds are so versatile because you can drill them, burn them, paint them or stain them.

The Gourd Mask on the Top Left

The gourd mask on the left is what I like to call a Crown mask due to the feathers across the top. This mask was completed a few months ago. It features brown turkey feathers, pheasant feathers and one large blue macaw feather. It’s painted in turquoise, red and black. It’s adorned with turquoise, stone, glass and brass beads and brass cones strung with black leather. The total width is 28 inches and the total height is 27 inches.

The Gourd Mask on the Top Right

I just recently completed this gourd mask. It’s the first time I used bison horn on a gourd. I’ve used bison horn on several of my clay warrior masks but this was a first for a gourd! I decided to paint the horn and go for a whole turquoise theme. This gourd mask is painted in red, black and two shades of turquoise. It’s adorned with red felt and red and blue pheasant feathers. I added turquoise stone and beads, wooden beads, bone hairpipe beads and one large red stone bead. Total width is 16 inches by 22 inches. The name I’ve given to this gourd mask is Blue Bison.