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Native American Woman Clay Sculpture

Native American Woman Clay Sculpture

12 Inches Tall and 8 Inches Wide at the Base

Over the years I’ve made several dolls with clay faces and wooden bases wrapped in blankets. All have been sold but you can see some of them here.  This was the only “doll” like sculpture I fashioned out of clay and it is much larger then the previous dolls.

The head and face are made of  clay as is the body, which is covered in a fleece blanket.

The necklace and earrings are made from turquoise stones and silver beads. Her hair barrettes are Native American beaded from glass beads and the hair is horse hair.

She weighs nearly 7 pounds.

Here are detail views:


She is available for sale for $425 and can be ordered by calling 831-688-0694, emailing or by visiting my online store at Native-Art-Gift-Shop.Com