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Native Artists, Dancers & More Photo Album

Becky Olvera Schultz share’s her personal photo album. Featured are native artists, musicans, celebrities and native and non native friends at various powwows, art shows, museums and other native related events.

Here’s links to more information on some of the individuals featured in this photo album:

Alexa Lucera, Singer/Musician

Amado Pena, Artist

Benjamin Harjo, Artist

Charlie Acuna, Artist

Carlos Nakai, Flautist

Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), Author

Elaine Miles, Actress/Comedian

Fernando Benally, Artist/Jeweler

Floyd Red Crow Westerman (RIP), Actor/Singer/Song Writer

Irene Bedard, Actress

Iris Model, Owner Indian Uprising Gallery

Joanne Brings Thunder, artist

John Balloue, Artist

John Trudell (RIP), Actor/Activist/Poet/Musician

Marty Meade, Artist

Michael Horse, Artist/Actor

Michael Spears, Actor

Micki Free, Musician/Singer

Paul Kirkwood (RIP), Lead Singer Drum & Feathers

Paula Elefante, Pahrump Social Powwow Organizer

Percy Edwards, Northern Traditional Dancer

Randy Lewis, Board Member United Indians of All Tribes Foundation

Rodney Grant, Actor

Rosemary Devinny, Coordinator Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Museum

Russell Means (RIP), Actor/Activist/Writer/Musician

Steve Reevis (RIP), Actor

Timoteo Ikoshy Montoya, Artist

Quill Bill, Oglala Lakota artist

Hand Symbols-Becky Olvera Schultz