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Tag Archives: Southwestern Masks
Southwestern Gourd Masks, ©Becky Olvera Schultz

Gourd Masks

Recently Completed Southwestern Style Gourd Masks Most of my art masks are made of clay and in the Native American/Warrior/Plains Indian style but from time to time I love working with gourds. Gourds are lightweight and have a wood like feel to them. Gourds are so versatile because you can drill them, burn them, paint […]

© Becky Olvera Schultz Art

Next Upcoming Exhibit at Maturango Museum in Ridgecrest California

Exhibit Dates: January 10-March 10, 2020.  Opening Reception Friday 7 p.m. January 10th. My next museum exhibit begins January 10th, 2020. The Maturango Museum is located at 100 East Las Flores Ave. in Ridgecrest, CA 93555 in Kern County. It’s 83 miles north of Barstow and 102 miles east of Bakersfield. The opening reception is […]

Becky Olvera Schultz-Art Exhibit at Showtime Pizzeria in Aptos

Art Exhibit at Showtime Pizzeria in Aptos

Runs Until February 28th, 2019 Although I regularly display and sell my art at powwows, art and craft events and museums, I still like to keep my work up locally in my community. Several of my Native American and Southwestern themed art pieces will be on display until the end of February, 2019, at Showtime […]